Webinar series: Citizen Trust in 2021

Restoring public confidence will be key to accelerating recovery from COVID-19. How can institutions build trust in public health, the economy, and the news?
13 January 2021
Centre Kantar webinars 2021_Web
Emmanuel Rivière

CEO, Public Division, France

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Understanding the attitudes of citizens will be critical for governments and international institutions in 2021, in the fight against the pandemic and its consequences. The effectiveness of health measures, the success of economic recovery plans, and the efforts to rebuild our communities will all depend on people’s understanding of key messages from political leaders and acceptance of their government measures.

In order to help you understand what influences public opinion, Kantar Public and the Centre Kantar sur le Futur de l’Europe are hosting 3 webinars in February and March. We will be joined by our own and external public policy experts to share our latest research and perspectives.

4 February: Trust in public health policies: how to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and address citizens’ expectations

As the world battles the ongoing challenges from the COVID-19 health crisis, what do the public think about their national government’s response? In this webinar, we’ll be covering critical questions such as:

  • What proportion of the public want to be vaccinated and what are the reservations of those who don’t?
  • What are the attitudes towards public health interventions to tackle the virus?
  • In the face of so much information about the virus, who do the public trust, and what can be done to improve trust in public sector communications? 

This webinar will share findings from research on the issues of public health policy, vaccination, trust, and the public’s concerns for the future. It will also demonstrate how government and public health bodies could act and plan to improve public trust and uptake of health interventions to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.

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4 March: Trust in the economic recovery: how to engage and mobilise citizens around their government’s recovery plans

As COVID-19 continues to pose a significant threat to our world economy, what do the public think about their national government’s economic response? In this session, our policy experts will examine:

  • The ongoing economic impacts of COVID-19 at the household level
  • How governments can best engage the public with their recovery plans

This webinar will share findings from research on the issues of economic policy, recovery plans and job support, trust in government plans, and the public’s view of the future. It will also examine how government could act and plan to improve public trust and engagement with economic interventions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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23 March: Trust in the news: how to address misinformation and strengthen trust in the media and government communications

With the increasing circulation of misinformation, who do the public trust to provide reliable information about the virus? This webinar will explore:

  • How can public trust in government communications be improved?
  • What makes people vulnerable to misinformation, and what can be done to increase public resilience against it?

This webinar will share findings from research on the issues of trust in media, trust in government communications, the factors impacting susceptibility to misinformation and the public view and understanding of the risks of misinformation.

>> Watch on demand 

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