Tracking a year of behavioural changes

The message from 2021 is that consumers continue to change. It’s only by watching them closely that you can spot the opportunities.
16 December 2021
Tracking a year of behavioural changes 2021

CMO, Worldpanel Division

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We’ve taken time to understand the lives of Rachel, Mariana and James in 2021. They are representative of our global network of consumer panels, covering 6 billion people.

Take two minutes to watch our review of the year, telling their stories and highlighting the key behavioural insights we’ve identified. It’s a summary of how the pandemic and on and off lockdowns have changed us all, highlighting the return of Out-of-Home, the rise of ecommerce, and the phenomenon that is food delivery.

Watch the video

You can also watch the video in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese.

Please share with your colleagues, get in touch with our experts if you want more information, and… have a very happy new year!

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