Kantar provides marketers with new independent ad effectiveness measurement on Meta

Kantar launches new way to enable marketers to assess Meta ad performance without cookies.
29 April 2024
Woman On Device
Nicole Jones

Chief Media Commercial Lead, North America

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Kantar recently transitioned to a ‘direct integration’ model for measuring Meta ad effectiveness within Kantar’s LIFT and LIFT+ products. Kantar LIFT is the world’s leading ad effectiveness measurement solution, with a normative database of more than 25,000 digital campaigns and provides cookieless measurement through Kantar Direct Integrations.

Kantar Direct Integrations is the first advertising industry initiative to establish direct data integrations with the world’s major digital publishers and apps and provides advertisers with cookie-less and privacy-centric methodologies to measure ad effectiveness.

Kantar Direct Integrations was established to achieve three industry-wide goals:

  • The creation of a privacy-centric, next-generation data and technology platform to migrate the industry from cookie-based measurement to direct publisher integrations.
  • Independent cross-publisher ad effectiveness measurement across all publishers within a media plan, including polling solutions for large digital publishers and cross-publisher campaigns.
  • 90% of global digital ad spend to be represented, by integrating top publishers into cross-publisher measurement on the platform by the end of Q1 2024.


The latest integration with Meta enables Kantar to retrieve Facebook and Instagram ad exposure information for a cohort of panelists from Kantar’s Profiles Network. These panelists have explicitly opted-in to have their Meta data analyzed by Kantar. On receiving ad exposure data, Kantar is then able to apply the Brand Lift Insights methodology to evaluate the impact of the advertising.

According to our Media Reactions research, 52.2% of organizations are concerned with their company’s ability to provide impactful digital performance measurement in a cookieless world, and 48.2% believe that zero party data is a key strategy for the industry in a cookieless world.


Integrating our solution with Meta is one of the single biggest leaps forward in achieving our Kantar Direct Integrations goal of being able to independently measure 95% of digital ad spend. In this tough business environment, with the crackdown on cookies and companies struggling to adapt, understanding effectiveness has never been more vital.

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