Recent events leading to the Black Lives Matters protests have put a global spotlight on the importance of racial equality and the pressing need to fight racism. This has sparked a global outcry against the injustices and revitalised the debate on personal and corporate responsibility that needs to be undertaken in a visibly progressive manner leading to actionable outputs. Subsequently, this has forced everyone to pause, reflect and take measures.
Kantar carried out an extensive survey of 2,000 LifePoints respondents across the US and the UK to gauge this progression. Explore some of our findings below.
For more reading, try Striving for racial equality: Are you doing enough?

Black respondents (US):
Black respondents (UK):
Black respondents in the US*:
* Of those who answered “Black, Afro-Caribbean, or African American” to question regarding US Census Classifications.
Black respondents in the UK*:
* Of those answered “Black/African/Caribbean/Black British” when asked to choose ethnic group.