Study reveals health and wellness is the #1 driver for American's home-related choices

11 July 2023
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Kantar and America At Home Study provide a deeper look into personal wellness and how it impacts home-related purchase decisions   

New York, NY (July 11, 2023) - Kantar, the world’s leading data-driven analytics and brand consulting company, and the America at Home Study released further data exploring the relationship between personal wellness and decisions for the home. According to the study, when making home-related purchases and choices, Americans emphasize improving their health and wellness first. The study revealed important links to mental and emotional wellbeing and using the home to deliver on that.  

  • When asked how important each area of wellness is in their life, respondents identified emotional wellbeing (90%), mental health and engagement (86%), and financial wellbeing (86%) as the top 3 areas of wellness, all ranked higher than physical health and fitness (83%) 
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing ranked highest priority (85% and 89% respectively) but satisfaction levels for each of them are just 65% and 66%   

“The America at Home Study reveals that Americans want to create a home that enhances their health and wellness, mentally, emotionally, and physically. In particular mental/emotional health can be gained through home design and amenities that enable access to the outdoors and affordable features that conserve water and energy, and create a safe environment,” stated Daphane Tan, Consultant, MONITOR Analytics at Kantar. “These gaps indicate there’s an opportunity for consumer brands to help consumers reach their desired level of personal wellness.”   

While respondents across all age categories ranked “improving health and wellness” as the number one motivation when making home-related purchases and choices, differences among generations reveal distinct priorities. Millennials and Xers ranked “saving money” first, followed by “improving health and wellness”, suggesting that these younger groups seek a balance between financial practicality and their personal wellness needs. In contrast, Boomers are more willing to invest in their personal wellness and comfort at home given that they ranked “improving health and wellness” first and “creating a more comfortable home” second, while “conserving energy” and “saving money” rank third and fourth.  Moreover, Boomers attribute aspects of their home to their personal wellness more important than Millennials:  

  • Private outdoor space or garden (70% of older Boomers vs. 64% of Millennials) 
  • Home that conserves energy (69% of Boomers vs. 63% Xers vs. 64% of Millennials) 
  • Home that conserves water (58% of Boomers vs. 50% Xers vs. 55% of Millennials) 
  • Low energy windows (57% of Boomers vs. 50% Xers vs. 49% of Millennials) 
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC)-free paints and finishes (60% of Boomers vs. 51% Xers vs. 53% of Millennials)  

“Health and wellness remains a top priority for American consumers, and while our U.S. MONITOR data reports that 25% of people rate their mental health as the aspect of their health they are most worried about (compared to physical 63% and spiritual health 11%) three out of four Americans state that “taking steps to maintain or improve my mental wellbeing is extremely/very important in my personal life”, giving credence to the idea that this need is a crucial aspect of home life,” added Tan. “Consumers are focusing on their mental well-being and acknowledging the significance of creating a comfortable home environment to achieve overall wellness. Brands that can offer effective and reasonably priced products and services or design these features into the home and community to fulfill these requirements will have a competitive edge in the market by better meeting the needs of their customers.”  


About the study 

The America at Home Study is a nationally representative survey of U.S. adults, aged 25-74 years of age, with household incomes of $50,000+/year, conducted online (Wave 1: April 2020, 3,001 responses, Wave 2: October 2020, 3,935 responses, and Wave 3: October 2022, 3,000 responses). The study launched in the early days of COVID, repeated in the peak of the pandemic and post-pandemic, yielding the first longitudinal consumer insights into the changing lifestyle preferences that will impact home and community going forward. For more information on the study, please visit  

Kantar MindBase™ was used to augment the study’s findings. For more information on MindBase, please visit  

About Kantar 

Kantar is the world’s leading marketing data and analytics company. We have a complete, unique, and rounded understanding of how people think, feel and act; globally and locally in over 90 markets. By combining the deep expertise of our people, our data resources and benchmarks and our innovative analytics and technology, we help our clients understand people and inspire growth. For more information on Kantar’s U.S. MONITOR, our trended attitudinal consumer research, please visit  

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