Kantar voting intention research (28 Nov – 2 Dec 2019):
- Conservative 44% (+1 vs Nov 26th)
- Labour 32% (nc)
- Liberal Democrats 15% (+1)
- SNP 3% (-1)
- Green 3% (-1)
- Brexit Party 2% (-1)
- Plaid Cymru 1% (+1)
- Other 1% (+1)
Voting intentions vary considerably by age. If the election was limited to the under-55s, Labour would have a narrow lead (39% v 36% for the Conservatives).
Whereas, among the over-55s, the Conservatives are ahead by 30% points (53% vs 23% for Labour).
How the public are deciding
Four in ten (39%, +7 vs Nov 26th) say that the most important issue when deciding who to vote for is Britain’s planned exit from the EU. The NHS is the most important issue for one in four (23%, -4), followed by the economy (8%, -3), immigration (5%, -3), the environment (5%, nc) and reducing crime (4%, nc). 48% (+7) of people stating that they will vote for Conservatives say that the party is “the best of a bad bunch”, and 49% (-1) of people planning to vote for Labour say the same.
Views on the next Prime Minister
When asked to choose between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn as the best leader for Britain, four in ten Britons (41%, +4 vs Nov 26th) choose Boris Johnson, compared with 22% (-2) who choose Jeremy Corbyn. However, nearly a third, 27% (-4), of Britons chose neither and 10% (+1) said they do not know.
There are some differences between men and women on who would be the best leader for Britain:
- Boris Johnson 48% (+5) men vs 34% (+4) women;
- Jeremy Corbyn 22% (-2) men, 21% (-3) women;
- Neither 25% (-3) men, 30% (-4) women;
- Don't know 4% (-1) men, 15% (+2) women
Notes for editors
The survey data and further details on the methodological approach can be found here.
The Kantar Research Express Online Omnibus interviewed a representative sample of 1,096 adults in Great Britain between the 28th November and 2nd December 2019. All interviews were conducted as online self-completion. The Kantar Research Express uses the Kantar online access panel as its sample source.
The data was weighted to match population totals for age, gender, working status, 2017 General Election voting patterns, 2016 EU referendum voting patterns, education, region, and likelihood to vote in the next General Election.
Since our last poll we have made the following changes:
- A question has been included to capture postal voting
- Now that voter registration has closed, those that indicate they are not registered are not included in our final voting intentions.