It’s that time of year again – get cosy on the best seat of the sofa and grab the remote – 2022’s Christmas ads have arrived! In recent years, these ads have become about so much more than companies trying to get our custom - they are now mini films that tell a story, designed to evoke powerful emotions, make us laugh, cry, and bring smiles to our faces. For the eighth year, our annual Christmas TV ad research unwraps the secrets behind what makes festive ads memorable for consumers and successful for advertisers. Who has captured the hearts of the nation this year?

Using LinkExpress on Kantar Marketplace, we asked 3,750 UK consumers what they thought about 25 of this year’s Christmas ads and compared the results to the world’s largest advertising database. The research reviewed the critical factors that have been proven to determine whether an ad will be effective; exploring factors such as whether it earns attention, if it will motivate people to buy in the short term and whether it evokes responses that will contribute to the brand’s success in the longer term. Partnering with Affectiva, we also used facial coding to determine the power of the ad to provoke an emotional reaction, and the nature of that emotion moment by moment as people experience the ad.

And this year, we’re going beyond the numbers to give you more creative effectiveness gifts than ever before…

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Test ads with LinkExpress in Kantar Marketplace
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The 2021 Stars of UK Christmas Advertising

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The 2020 Stars of UK Christmas Advertising

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