Political & Public Opinion

We help governments, political parties, international organisations and the media to make better decisions.

Understand the changes impacting public opinion

Gain insight into what shifts public opinion and the relationships between the public, policymakers and parties.

Learn from citizen-centric research

Track social change and understand the perceptions of your stakeholders. 

Harness best practice from other industries

We provide the public sector with strategic advice from solutions that were originally developed for marketing purposes.​

Trust a world-class partner

Kantar has a proven track record on public opinion and exit polling, and we are a trusted media partner. 

Find our Polling Archive here.

Featured solutions
Acquire strategic insights into the position, reputation and image of public institutions.
Get political insights from Kantar, offering best-in-class expertise in election work around the world.
Monitor and understand public opinion and social trends, with world-class research from Kantar.