CX Value Analytics

Understand the importance of CX drivers in the customer journey and measure the value of CX to business outcomes.

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CX Value analytics analyses the inter-relationships of multiple customer-level data sources, including survey and your operational CX data. This identifies how important each element is in driving CX outcomes and, in turn, business outcomes such as sales or customer loyalty.

Global scope

1,500+ data scientists, analytics consultants, technologists and data designers
800+ CX experts worldwide

Key features

Business impact

Explore links between CX metrics (like TRI*M Index or NPS) and real business outcomes such as sales and customer loyalty.

Data agnostic

We work with all CX data sources, agnostic of provider or platform, to uncover the drivers of customer experience.

Human and machine

We harness technology and human creativity to deliver a solution and insights unique to the needs of your business.

Related solutions
Build marketing capabilities and get bespoke company ‘Way of Growth’ learning programmes.
Diagnose organisational effectiveness through comprehensive benchmarking to identify paths for future organisational growth.
Diagnose organisational effectiveness through comprehensive benchmarking to identify paths for future organisational growth.