Ancient fault lines: movements for self-government

Explore the origins of movements for self-government across Europe: in Spain, Scotland, Italy and Belgium.
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fault lines
Emmanuel Rivière

CEO, Public Division, France

This paper explores the origins of movements for self-government across Europe: in Spain, Scotland, Italy and Belgium, drawing on electoral data and various studies, including Eurobarometer analysis.

The four analyses show that these four conflicts are caused by similar factors: the weight of history; the relationship with the National State and its political embodiment; and the relationship with the rest of the country, with particular reference to economic disparities. The way these factors combine, however, is unique in each case.

Centre Kantar sur le Futur de l’Europe

Established within Kantar, a global consulting and research business, the ‘Centre Kantar sur le Futur de L’Europe’ brings together a pan-European team of researchers with expertise in political and opinion polling, social and economic trends and migration. The Centre aims to contribute to the quality of public debate through Kantar’s analysis and knowledge of public opinion and political change in Europe and its member countries.