Winning omnichannel: post-COVID-19 FMCG and retail

Sign up for the webinar and discover how global FMCG and retail dynamics transformed in 2020.
12 April 2021
Stéphane Roger

Global Shopper & Retail Director, Spain

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In 2020, global take-home FMCG value growth quadrupled to 10%, an increase of $220 billion compared to 2019. From the stockpiling in Q1 to the continued shift of out-of-home consumption to in-home through the rest of the year, impacts were felt across regions, countries, channels, sectors and categories.

The pandemic has accelerated retail reconfiguration. Ecommerce jumped to 6.5% of global FMCG spend and still has the potential for strong future growth, with only one third of shoppers globally buying FMCG online.

The question remains: how will the future look, with many countries remaining under lockdown in early 2021?

Sign up for the webinar on 21 April when Stéphane Roger, Global Retail & Shopper Solution Director, will walk us through the main findings of our upcoming publication, the fifth edition of Winning Omnichannel, the most comprehensive global view of how FMCG and retail dynamics transformed in 2020.

Sign up for the webinar:

Wednesday 21 April 1000 BST

Wednesday 21 April 1600 BST

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