Kantar’s Grocery Market Share data is derived from the Worldpanel division’s research covering the grocery purchasing habits of a number of demographically representative households in Mainland China, France, Great Britain, Ireland and Spain. All data is based on the value of items being actually purchased by these consumers.
To find out what is happening in the grocery market in your region, simply drag the marker above the timeline to change the data period. Click ‘Compare dates’ to reveal a second marker, and move it to display data for two distinct time periods. Activating the padlock will lock the time period between markers, allowing both to be dragged as a unit.
Latest news
While it might be contributing to slower market growth, a drop in grocery price inflation is leading to improved consumer sentiment. The rate now stands at 2.1%, marking the sixteenth consecutive month that it has fallen.
The FMCG market increased steadily in the first quarter, and the expansion of discount formats accelerated.
Grocery price inflation has also fallen for the fifteenth month in a row to 2.4%, the lowest level since October 2021.
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