Research, Spain

I’m in charge of Social Media department of Kantar's Media division here in Spain, where my main role is managing the production of, and monitoring issues with, the social media ratings. My day-to-day job is helping TV networks, agencies and other companies to make decisions and optimise their planning and purchasing decisions to reach the people who interact most with their brand or television content on social networks and, therefore, are more interesting for their strategies.
For example, we recently helped a client to control the social media activity of their influencers. In this case, our client was a perfume brand that celebrated an event presenting its brand new product. They invited many Spanish actors and local celebrities to their party and they wanted to know if these influencers had published something about the launch of their new perfume.
Recently, we worked with an agency whose objective was to make the Peru brand grow in social networks, framed within the Pan American Games, held last July in Lima. We help them to measure the sport event on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, with our social listening platform, ‘Social Engagement’. We also analysed the data that we collected, and we could see that Twitter was the best social network in terms of conversation but Instagram gave them much more engagement, since it had many more interactions. Thanks to this, they could focus their social strategies on the correct social network.
And we have a massive impact. Recently, a very important Spanish TV channel changed the dynamic of their show, because people on Twitter criticized them for altering some parts of the show’s structure. Our client, the TV channel, read all the negative tweets about the program with our platform, and they took some decisions from it.
I have developed my entire professional career here in Kantar. I have a degree in Audiovisual Communication and completed advanced studies in Applied Statistics, Data Analysis and Graphic Design. I started as a Social TV analyst at Kantar in 2014 and since then I have kept improving, increasing my technical knowledge, thanks to what I learn from my co-workers and our clients. Working in Kantar means constantly learning, because we need to help our clients the best way we can. That’s why I love to work here: Kantar helps me to be a much better professional.