Brand Footprint

The Brand Footprint ranking shows how consumers around the world are buying FMCG brands, highlighting opportunities.

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There is a decision point in every FMCG purchase, when a shopper decides to buy one brand instead of another. The Brand Footprint ranking reveals which brands are winning at that moment of truth. Using the Consumer Reach Points measure, we measure a brand’s strength in terms of the number of times it is chosen by shoppers.

Global scope

23,500 brands covered
75% of the global population represented
54 countries
89% of gross domestic product (GDP) represented

Key features

Over 20,000 brand data points

We know the common elements behind FMCG brand growth, and the importance of finding more shoppers.

Strategic levers for growth

To grow, you need to consider: More Targets, More Presence, More Categories, New Needs and More Moments.

Brand stories and inspiration for growth

We explore which brands are winning globally, and unearth case studies at a local level from across all regions.

More information

Brand Footprint global rankings

Our main rankings are published globally, where we show the Top 50 most chosen global brands on the planet, the metrics behind the ranking (penetration and consumer choice) and the latest year performance. Only global brands are included in this main ranking and to be considered as global, a brand must be available in at least two continents.

Brand Footprint regional/local rankings

We replicate the methodology used in the global ranking at both a regional and local level, where local brands are included.

Brand Footprint sector rankings

You will note that the Global ranking has a broadly even split between Food and Non-Food; however, when we look at the local rankings, the more frequently purchased food categories do tend to dominate. Therefore, we have sector rankings (Beverages, Food, Health & Beauty, Homecare and Dairy), available to balance out differences when it comes to frequency of purchase.

Brand Footprint has a dedicated microsite where you can explore the data in detail. The latest rankings are available, alongside insights around a brand's strengths and the related white spaces. Visit it here.

Brand footprint 2023

Latest Brand Footprint rankings

The Brand Footprint ranking reveals how consumers around the world today are buying FMCG brands.
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Related solutions
We use panel data to show the consistent buying patterns that exist in every category and for every brand.
We monitor FMCG purchases and trends across all retail channels, through the biggest consumer panels globally.