Kantar BrandZ

The definitive guide to brand-building.

Discover how strong brands provide value for businesses and shareholders. 

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Kantar BrandZ ranks the most valuable brands in the world and shows you how to become one of them.

It is the world’s most extensive, consumer-focused source of brand equity insight, which also powers our proprietary brand valuation methodology.

Validated to in-market sales, Kantar BrandZ draws on millions of consumer interviews to understand the true value of a brand, diagnose its strengths and weaknesses, and provides actionable insights to drive future growth. 

Global scope

21,000+ different brands
54 markets
540 categories
4.3M interviews

Business-oriented brand assessment

The world’s most detailed consumer brand equity database that is uniquely linked to financial outcomes.

Actionable diagnostics

Increase market share and margins. Learn from our extensively validated framework, trusted by the world’s top brands.

Future focussed

Analysis of 20 years of data on the world’s leading brands and market sales, explore trends and high potential brands.

More information

Kantar BrandZ global rankings

Published annually, the Kantar BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands report ranks the world’s top brands, the sector leaders, big movers and brands to watch. Providing a wealth of insights on brands, categories, marketing issues and trends, it provides unparalleled insights about what is needed for brands to win with consumers around the world.

Kantar BrandZ regional and local rankings

Kantar BrandZ ranks and showcases the most valuable brands across six continents, every year. Reports include thought leadership on local marketing topics, country background data, profiles on key brands and analysis of the drivers of brand success.

BrandZ has been measuring brand equity around the world since 1998. Our database forms a unique resource, which is now available as a consulting and analysis tool. It covers the widest range of brand health, brand perceptions, corporate reputation and brand personality metrics for over 20,000 brands in more than 50 markets.. Our validated framework measures how Meaningful, Different and Salient brands are perceived to be by their customers, in a real-world competitive context.

In addition to customised brand reports, syndicated BrandZ data and insights are available to buy for individual brands and categories or across multiple markets or categories and over time. BrandZ data and workshops help you formulate marketing strategies and identify the future drivers of success for your brand.

Kantar BrandSnapshot is a free interactive tool powered by BrandZ’s wealth of data and its Meaningful Different and Salient framework. Designed to give you a complete picture of brand equity in competitive context, BrandSnapshot delivers intelligence on 14,000 brands in 40+ markets, offering a quick read on brands performance in a category. Explore for free on Kantar Marketplace today.
Kantar BrandZ global 2024
Discover the factors driving growth for the world’s most valuable brands.
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Related solutions
Measure your brand performance using validated metrics, and get early indicators to guide future decisions.
Brands with strong equity are destined to grow. Knowing your equity and how to build it is the foundation for success.
Get insights at the speed of business; high quality sample, validated solutions, self-serve surveys and expert consulting.