One of the great benefits of my role is the opportunity to meet with our clients and partners. I love to hear first-hand how our audience measurement data and technology are being used to drive decision making – and an opportunity to share the innovations we’re developing to fuel services in the future.
Here’s 8 things I learnt from a recent meeting convened with clients from 40 markets where we operate such services:
- 30-39 year old’s in Norway are spending 40% of their total viewing time on NRK’s platforms. NRK is the national public service broadcaster and two thirds of that content is being viewed on the TV set (Spring 2019).
- Overall consumption of subscription video services (SVOD) like HBO and Netflix are now being reported in the TV currency in some markets - in Norway for example their average daily reach totals 14% of total viewing.
- In Chinese mainland, like other markets advertising spend continues to shift from linear television to the internet and mobile devices. In the top 50 markets, IPTV household penetration is reaching a third, up by 13% versus 2017.
- For Chinese mainland viewers who stream video content, loyalty is King! Our partners CSM completed a project integrated streaming video platform data with TAM data in 52 markets. Subscribers (users) of iQiYi and /or Tencent Video spend an average of 2 hours a day on streaming content.
- Measurement on the go has got even better! Clients were excited when I shared with them our latest wearable meter technology. RateOnAir 3 is being developed in partnership with MediaMetrie enabling audio watermarking for content identification to 4-second granularity.
- FocalMeter is being rolled out in the UK BARB panel so including the UK Kantar is conducting router measurement in no less than 8 countries – Norway, Finland, Canada, Italy, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Russia, UK.
- Collaboration across the broadcast eco-system is resulting in new opportunities. “Ten years ago, other broadcasters were seen as the enemy. I’m not thinking like that now.” - Alex Mahon, Chief Executive, Channel 4
- The power of media. Cancer Research UK presented groundbreaking work they had delivered in conjunction with Channel 4 and Facebook to broadcast the world’s first live cancer surgery from inside a human body. It reached no less than 30 million people through TV, social media and press.
The current and future trends changing the world of audience measurement is exciting. Our own products in development include:
People Meter 7 – a form factor of a tablet with real time capabilities, dual channel detection techniques and easier installation and maintenance.
Focal Meter 2 – our latest router meter that uncovers your audiences online screen consumption, shrinking the unmatched viewing from the TV screen with detailed breakdown and viewing behaviour.
SetMeter – one of the many solutions available to efficient panel expansion our set meter in the form of a USB stick will be mailable and self-installable with real time capabilities and dual channel detection techniques to complement our people metering technology. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more.