A cinematic year for consumer behaviour

The challenges and changes in consumer behaviour this year have been truly epic. You could almost describe them as cinematic.
17 December 2020

CMO, Worldpanel Division

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Enjoy this series of film trailers that we have created to highlight some of the most important changes in consumer behaviour that we’ve seen in 2020. Watch below and learn more about the top titles of the year: “Loving the Internet”, “Home but not Alone”, “The Green Revolution Continues” and “Faster Phones”.

We hope you can find two minutes to watch our review of the year; a summary of how we all adapted to life at home, how the world pivoted to digital, and why we all became greener during lockdown.

You can also watch the video in French, Spanish, Spanish Latam, Portuguese and Chinese.

Please share with your colleagues, get in touch with our experts if you want more information, and have a very happy new year.

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