COVID-19: What comes next?

Eight scenarios exploring COVID-19, to guide your planning with focus and alignment.
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future scenarios
Chris Carbone

Head, Futures Practice Americas

Don Abraham

Senior Partner, Consulting Division


Partner/Global Practice Lead Futures

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The recent global outbreak of novel coronavirus has planted us in the midst of uncharted, uncertain territory. Businesses and consumers alike are in the heat of decision-making with unclear outcomes – which is why we’ve crafted eight scenarios of what to anticipate. Our goal is to provide you with a framework to guide your planning with focus and alignment.

Why scenarios are ideal

  • They provide a framework for understanding what comes next
  • They offer a foundational exploration of the business and cultural outcomes from this global pandemic.

Simply put – scenarios are a way to look down the road and around the corner.

How we are thinking

Our scenario framework will look at three interrelated factors:

  • How the disease might evolve
  • How consumers might behave
  • How our institutions might respond.

In addition to exploring these intersections, we will unpack how they will affect business leaders and their employees, retail behaviour, broader cultural shifts, and generational responses.

Finally, we will provide simple tools for applying this future perspective to your business, and will actively monitor what plays out in the months ahead.

To download Anticipating the Balance of 2020 scenario document, please complete the form below.

You can also watch our webinar, where we explore Kantar’s scenarios for how the U.S. marketplace will unfold over the balance of 2020.
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