Shopping patterns are returning to normal in Latam

What's changing in Latin America, and what does it mean for brands? We identify the sectors that are gaining and the key trends in the major markets.
10 June 2020
latam10slides 2nded
marcela botana

Regional Account Director, Worldpanel Division

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Shopping habits are being transformed across Latin America as people respond to the pandemic and a rising number of fatalities. We identify the sectors that are gaining and the key trends in the major markets including:  

  • The economy is becoming as big a worry as staying healthy, with 14m jobs lost already and 57% of Mexicans working in the informal economy.
  • Shopping patterns are starting to return to normal in grocery at least as consumers work through the stockpiles they purchased at the start of the lockdown.
  • Indulgence is on the rise and desserts are increasingly attractive, especially in Peru where 54% have learnt new dishes.
  • Brazilian shoppers are rethinking where they shop with Small Self Service Retail winning on Proximity as well as the chance to avoid crowds.
  • Traditional TV and virtual gaming have been a winner in Mexico with a 30% increase in the number of TV sets switched on.

What does it mean for your brand or category? Download the 10 slides and get in touch with your queries.

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