Understanding the new generation of mothers in Indonesia

COVID-19 has made many reprioritise their spend, but babycare and family health remain a focus for mothers.
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Charles Chow

Head of Marketing, Asia

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The next generation of Indonesian mothers is proving to be a highly-connected and potentially lucrative consumer segment, according a new report from Kantar that outlines the opportunities for brands in the FMCG category.

The number of households with children under six grew by 3% in 2019. This is an attractive segment to target as they spent 8.6% more on babycare products and 9.7% more on all other FMCG segments. While the pandemic has made many reprioritise their spend, babycare and family health is a strong focus for mothers.

It is important to understand the needs and motivations of these mothers, three quarters of whom are either millennials or centennials. The report identifies five rules to engage with this unique group. It considers the key things that are important to them, such as natural ingredients, the different stages that new mothers go through as their children grow, and the places that they shop.

A very important feature of this group is that they are highly connected. Almost a quarter of new mothers access social media every day. It provides a way to communicate and unite with others who have children at the same stage of development. This has never been more important than now as new mothers can feel relatively isolated in a time when it is less easy to meet with others socially. Online word of mouth is something that brands need to be aware of and tap into for their growth.

The pandemic has created new behaviours and preferences, which are evolving as the level of the crisis changes. Listening to the needs of mothers has never been more important than it is now and the opportunities for growth are there for the brands that do this well.

Download the full report to understand better how to engage with the new generation mothers.

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