Automated access to first-party data compliantly, with speed and at scale.

At Kantar, we are experts at collecting and connecting data you can trust – from self-reported answers to appended profiles – using the Kantar Profiles Network.

In today’s ‘always-on’, digitally driven world, there’s certainly not a lack of data available, and ‘big data’ has been a buzzword in our industry for quite some time now. However, in these new times of rapid change, where the crumbling of third-party cookies and increased data privacy legislation have added pressure to ensure data collection is done compliantly, there’s no guarantee that ‘more’ data automatically equates to ‘better’ insights.

Online purchase behaviour now enables us to collect an exuberant amount of “what” data from customers, but it’s understanding the ‘why’ behind these purchase decisions that is key to providing a holistic understanding of peoples’ decision-making mindsets.

Read three reasons the Kantar Profiles Network delivers deeper ‘why’ understanding – so you can take meaningful action that drives growth.

For more on how you can leverage the Kantar Profiles Network for survey and appended data collection and connection, contact us using the from below.

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