The impact of coronavirus on shoppers in Latam

What's changing in Latin America, and what does it mean for brands? We present 10 slides on changing purchase and consumption habits in the region.
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peru empty street
marcela botana

Regional Account Director, Worldpanel Division

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With increasing social isolation and a unique socioeconomic structure, Latin America is home to some fascinating trends when it comes to shopping and consumption. What categories and retail channels are worth watching? You can download our report, featuring ten slides of charts and data points on the situation, and learn more about the following facts: 

  • Ecommerce is on the rise... but it was actually growing more before COVID-19 in Brazil and in Chile
  • Pharmacies in the region have seen a 55% growth in shoppers, as people look to emerging retail channels to meet their needs
  • 24% of people in Latam claim to have shopped for food in a different way since the beginning of the outbreak, such as WhatsApp or delivery apps
  • Peru in particular has seen a massive rise in TV watching, as audiences increase across a locked down world.

What does it mean for your brand or category? Download the ten slides, and get in touch with your queries.


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