Trade investments remain a top priority for consumer goods manufacturers. Well conducted TPx digital transformation programs equip Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) organisations with the right foundational pillars, capabilities and plasticity to adapt, grow revenues and protect trade margins even in times of uncertainty.

As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated change in the marketplace, it became imperative for CPGs to rush long-delayed digital trade initiatives. But are companies ready to fully embrace digital change? Fortunately, the latest 2021 Gartner CIO Survey shows that a few CPG companies actively advanced their digital agendas over the last three years, making their digital aspirations a reality. Moreover, it reveals that CPG companies who invested in digital initiatives pre-pandemic now find themselves ahead of their competitors and better equipped to fund new business initiatives.

So digital transformation is happening at pace and unlocks value. But what is the blueprint to a successful digital journey?

The road to success in optimising trade margins and growing revenue requires a balanced approach with the right foundational pillars (People, Process, Data & Analytics) throughout a proven step-by-step program.

In this series, we will take you through the top TPx best practices to help set you on the right trajectory in your digitisation journey. Our industry experts will reveal their insights from decades of experience designing and implementing trade promotion projects for consumer goods organisations of all markets and sizes.

We will be kicking off the series with “Pre-Design: Getting Match Fit before the Main Event”, which in addition to best practices, will explain the value of pre-design and why it is an essential phase that provides context and visibility to key structural elements of the TPx project before moving into the design phase.

The full series will cover:


The TPx Journey launching point to reduce risk during implementation. Test the foundations and drive the future state of the program.

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Drive value by building layers of easily understandable intelligence through a repeatable and scalable approach.

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Accelerated approach

Speeding up digitisation with a pre-configured solution.

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Change management

Embedding change across the organisation and driving user adoption.

Read the article

Data & Analytics

Building layers of intelligence and removing complexity.

Read the article

Best Practices Playbook

Understand your preparedness and how to approach your upcoming TPx digitisation journey.

Read the article

If you would like to learn more about Kantar’s Trade Promotion solutions, get in touch to speak to an expert.