Kantar understands the importance of data and panel quality and was among the first to implement technology-driven quality programs. We will continue to deliver new quality methodologies to provide clients with the highest panel quality in the industry.
Kantar invests significantly in the development and technology of our unique and proprietary quality and verification tools. They include a series of real-time checkpoints that new panel registrants pass through while completing the panel registration survey, as well as when they enter a new survey.
Registrants who fail these checks are unable to join our panels and cannot participate in surveys. Kantar’s verification survey-entry and registration checkpoints include:
• Proxy Detection: Detects a proxy server used to mask the registrant’s true IP address and past fraudulent activity
• IP GeoFencing: Locates the registrant’s country location via their IP address and determine their eligibility for registration based on country-specific rules
• Email Address Verification: Queries our database to ensure the email address is unique (all registrants must verify their email addresses through a double opt-in registration process)
• Digital Finger Printing: Detects duplicate respondent entries within a single survey and blocks their entry
• Honesty Detector: Patented pre-survey technology that identifies over-reporters and blocks them from entering a survey upon failure.
In addition, for several panels, we verify the registrants’ postal address and zip / postal code against a current local address directory.
For in-survey duplication process, we utlise a combination of cookie and digital fingerprint technology. This allows us to block survey respondents who attempt to complete the same survey from multiple panels and those who attempt to take a survey multiple times using different identities. Kantar’s U.S. panels utilize Verity®. Verity® determines if respondents are real via an external database look-up of their names, mailing addresses, and email addresses. For IT and B2B studies, we can implement custom versions of our Patented Honesty Detector questions.